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Just Go For It! Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Writer: Cynthia Dvorak GrandjeanCynthia Dvorak Grandjean

I am a visual artist. I create art in watercolor and acrylic. Recently, I retired after 38 years of working in the nursing profession. Immediately, I jumped in and started my own business called C Grandjean Art. It has been 21 months now and I want to share this journey with you.

If you have a dream, take that first step and put it out there! Let me begin by saying yes, it was a scary thing. I learned along the way and made mistakes and I still have a long way to go to reach the goals I set for my business.

Within a year of starting this business, I am happy to say I built my website, had my first two person exhibition and have shipped art to out of state collectors. I have won ribbons and awards along the way. I have donated art for fund raisers in my community. Most important, I have made new friends and contacts locally through membership in four art guilds, and globally through online art groups.

I took my first art classes in the early 1980's. With the birth of my first child, I put the paintbrushes down; I had much higher priorities then. I picked up my brushes again in 2012 and painted in oils. In February 2012, I entered my first show at my local art league. Needless to say, I didn’t even win an honorable mention. However, it was great fun and I was hooked!

My art friends were very encouraging, welcoming, and they became an invaluable source of knowledge and shared their expertise with me. I was growing as an artist and my skills were improving. I began to paint almost every day. If I wasn’t in my “studio” painting, I was reading about art.

Then in late 2016, I began studying an art form called assemblage. Assemblage is art made from found objects. Stepping out of my comfort zone, I created my very first small sculpture, using copper wire and a strip of rusty metal on a base of flagstone. I put it in my first show and it sold immediately!

My second piece of assemblage recently won first place in a juried show and a cash prize to boot. Okay, so I only had one other competitor in this division . . . ha ha - but hey, I’ll take that blue ribbon! My point is, just go for it! Just do it.

Be adventurous. Put your ideas and talent out there. You never know who will be touched by what you have created. The world needs you and your creativity! Spread your wings and enjoy this journey called life.

What will you share? What will you create, or offer up for all of us to enjoy? Please comment below and tell me your story.



Cynthia Dvorak Grandjean
Cynthia Dvorak Grandjean
Sep 30, 2017

I've seen your work and it's gorgeous! I love the way you arranged the pumpkins at the Baybrook Mall... very artistic and well done. Keep up the good work! Sorry I will miss you at the National Society of Artist Show... would love to have seen your floral arrangement. Look for my large painting in turquoise, blues and purples; quite a big difference from last year’s entry. Hope to see you soon!


Joanne Rush
Joanne Rush
Sep 28, 2017

While I am horrible at painting, I do love "painting" with plants. I prefer plants over florals. To me, it's more difficult to put living plants together and keep them looking good. I enjoy the challenge.

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