It's been four months since my shoulder surgery and now I'm excited to be back at my easel again. Physical therapy is now completed and I am getting ready to paint on large canvases again. While recuperating, I read this book for the second time. This author has written lots of books, but this is my favorite. Yes, it's tattered and well worn! Julia Cameron's wise words are brilliant in her book, The Artist's Way. I can highly recommend this for any creative person; it's not just for visual artists, poets, musicians, dancers, writers, photographers, graphic designers but anyone with a vision to create something beautiful. Making something with your own hands, creating something you enjoy is healing and soul nourishing. To quote Julia Cameron... " People heal because creativity is healthy - and practicing it, they find their greater selves. And we are all greater than we can conceive."
Julia talks about a spiritual path to higher creativity. She recommends doing Morning Pages every day. It is very meditative. Hand write three pages, every morning. Stream of conscience writing, your thoughts and ideas, put down on paper. It helps with creativity and clearing your mind for new ideas to come. I've been doing them for fifteen months now and it works! She also recommends going on an "artist date" with yourself, weekly. Time to get away and do something fun, all by yourself, that you enjoy. Julia's advice to take a daily walk works wonders to clear the mind. Whether in a city setting or out in nature, it is time well spent. When I get stuck in my art, I find something to do outdoors, even if it's for a short break. Try it!
I hope this has encouraged you to look for the book and try her techniques. The Artist's Way is an old book, published in 1992 and is full of timeless advice for opening our mind to creative inspiration. For a bonus, if you enjoy quotes of highly creative people, like I do, you will find them on every page. A large collection of fascinating quotes that will surely inspire you!
Tell me what gets your ideas flowing and what you like to create. Send me an email at c.grandjean@sbcglobal.net. or comment below.