Yesterday was the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. I've celebrated it annually for years. My community has a Tai Chi group that does an annual performance outdoors around Earth Day and I have been attending that event for a few years; it was a lot of fun. They invite the onlookers to participate... that's just one memory I enjoy of an Earth Day celebration...getting out in the sunshine!
During this time of Corona Virus, the good news is that we can still safely get out to exercise and enjoy nature again here in Texas as our State Parks are opening up again, with precautions. Governor Greg Abbott said no more than five in a group, wear face coverings and stay six or more feet away from others. I'll take that! I plan on going on a short hike soon at a park near me. I may even take my plein aire set up and paint some tree/lake scenes as the weather is pretty and the temperatures are comfortable. Get those sneakers on, get out and lets take some pics of the great outdoors ! Follow my painting adventures on Facebook at C Grandjean Art or on Instagram @cynthiagrandjean. My website is Stop in to say hello as we are all alone together, and it helps us all to reach out and chat. Happy Earth Day!

Nash Prairie
Damon, Texas © C Grandjean 2020