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A Little Treasure In Galveston

Writer: Cynthia Dvorak GrandjeanCynthia Dvorak Grandjean

Updated: Jun 5, 2018

It's a great time to start new routines, especially when it includes time to just slow down a bit and take care of yourself. I have always enjoyed reading but have decided to spend more time reading and exploring subjects dealing with all things art. In this new year, I will make a date with myself to do something that will inspire me and nudge my creativity. It's time to learn something new and take my art self education to a new level. I found a good place to do it!

This decision came after shopping and walking around the Strand District of Galveston. I accidently stumbled across the Galveston Bookshop. It is located at 317 23rd St. and is owned by a sweet lady named Sharan Zwick. Established in 1991, it offers a great selection of new, used and old books. More than 70,000 books to be exact! Besides books, they have L.P.'s and vintage postcards. I've been there only once, but I fell in love with it immediately and plan to return very soon.

In viewing their website, I learned that they host authors for book signings regularly. They have many books about Galveston history and Texas lore. They maintain the Galveston Bibliography Database...information about all things Galveston. You may wonder why I am so enamored with this small town. It has ties to my family roots; all four of my grandparents immigrated to the United States and entered at the port of Galveston in the early 1900's, so this town beckons me.

Back to the bookshop story, I love this shop because I found a treasure trove of old art books. Upstairs ( yes, you have to climb stairs) in the corner, there is a nook the size of a small closet, packed with art volumes. Old history, art culture, art techniques, Hollywood art stories, museum booklets, information about prominent collections, it's all there and...... I had a ball looking through it! Yes, I perused it for a couple of hours and purchased some treasures. Wonderful, constructive time spent alone in this quiet bookshop. I do plan to return soon, it takes you back to a bygone era, simpler times. I love holding an old book in my hands, turning the pages and feeling the yummy texture of the old paper. It's a treasure chest of fun stories for your reading enjoyment and I encourage you to stop by the next time you are in Galveston.

You can find out more about the shop on Twitter @galvestonbooks or on the web at

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